Glad You Are Still There

Ongoing Collection of Nature Webcams

While sheltered in place, I wonder what it is like out there in nature. Is it still there when I am not? I started to watch a lot of webcams live streaming animals on YouTube. I watch hummingbirds in Studio City, California, and wildlife in Mozambique transit from dawn to dusk, in their different timezones.

Each live video has a number at the bottom left showing how many people are watching it right now. The viewing number and its reassurance that I might not be alone. gives me comfort.

Sometimes, the number drops to one, indicating there is nobody but me, the bird songs, the trees, the breeze, and the updating frames. At that moment I feel grateful that they are still there, together.

* The recommended viewing experience for Glad You Are Still There is to have all the videos play together on a desktop web browser. All the videos will autoplay while loaded, and you can also manually turn them on.

Made by Qianqian Ye πŸ’š