

D-brane is the story of a creation outgrowing its creator. The performance is the culmination of dance, real time projection mapping and live audio synthesis. A software system was built specifically for this project allowing the dancer to have direct gestural interactions with the visuals and audio in real time. The dancer wears a tracking device and interacts with a suspended dodecahedron. The dodecahedron is also tracked and projected as it moves. An analog patch based audio synthesis sonifies the motions of the dancer using the live tracking data. HTC Vive tracking is used for motion tracking. All real time graphics, tracking and projection is done in Touchdesigner.

Performer: Kathryn Florez
Director: Harvey Moon
Story and Art Direction: Qianqian Ye
Sound Artist: Cullen Miller
Technical Support: Colin Parsons

Video Production:
Cinematographer: Andy Hoffman
Editor/ Assistant Director: Ian Colon
Equipment and space:
Obscura Digital


Time: 02/2018
Tools: Touch Designer, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere
RoLe: Story and Art Direction


Augmented Reality
Story Telling
Future of Things